Prospecting Purpose

Community-Driven Mining (Andy Reynolds)

Episode Summary

In this week’s episode of Prospecting Purpose, we’re joined by Andy Reynolds, former naval engineer and Director General of Energy, Mining, and Environment of the National Research Council Canada. He is currently the President of Inspire Resources, a venture aimed at leveraging natural resource development and exponential technologies to support community development and accelerate broad progress on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. In our chat, we discuss how mining can generate social value and accelerate progress for all, especially at the most local of levels, as well as what kinds of unconventional business model approaches and emerging technologies might get us there.

Episode Notes

CREDITS: Host - Elizabeth Freele, Sympact (

Producer & Editor - Tommy Lee (

Audio Editor - Geoff Bremner (

Assistant Editor - Emielia Dahl-Sam (

Sponsor - Sympact (

CONNECT LinkedIn: Website: Email: 


Inspire Resources (

Energy, Mining and Environment, National Research Council of Canada (

Paul Polman (Unilever): opportunities for changing investors/shareholders; responsibility of a company is to multiple stakeholders (

Emerging technologies in mining: Blockchain & smart contracts (

Interval Control - e.g., Global Mining Guidelines Group (

AI - e.g., Microsoft’s SA Mining Core (

Natural resource ownership shifting to communities (over 4,000 community-owned renewable energy projects, globally), IRENA (

Platform business model: Oren Marketplace, Shell & IBM (

Sustainable Development Goals, UN (

Mineral Impulse, Inspire Resources (

What is the democratization of AI? (